07 August 2007

List of Most Irksome Individuals You Could Encounter On A Public Bus

Fangz' List Of Most Irksome Individuals You Could Encounter On A Public Bus

  1. Bawling children
  2. Giggling school girls
  3. Individuals who reek of ciggies
  4. Couples who get a tad too intimate
  5. Individuals who reek of a month's dirty laundry
  6. Individuals who tok (read: shout) non-stop on their phone
  7. Individuals who coughs and sneezes into the back of your head
  8. Individuals who have their music (think techno, incomprehensible rap, etc) on loudspeakers
  9. Males who sits with their legs wide apart (i think they are mistakenly trying to equate the distance with their size)
  10. Individuals who gives dirty looks to any or all of the above

Personally, i think individuals who are guilty of point 10 are making a futile display of their dissatisfaction. Yes, im speaking from experience here.

Next time, i think i should just bring an eye mask, ear plugs and air freshener. In my favourite scent of lavender too.


detach8 said...

Time to get a driving license.

F@ngzz said...

agreed. and i want a scooter!

Anonymous said...

great read. I would love to follow you on twitter.