24 March 2008

Quite Enough Already

your constant pre-emption of things to come is wearisome.

your exaggeration of day-to-day incidents is disconcerting.

your attempts at being a fashionista is amusing.

your inconstant engagement is distracting.

quite enough already.. quite enough.


Anonymous said...

Well, in the past i might post here, " ok since you said it, this way. bye and all the best to you!" haha.. ya, i'm too emo and that's something i learning to control the outburst now. Ya, thanks for the advice. I get the drift =)

F@ngzz said...

ya, if u're ppl who im seeing 5 times per week, 8 hrs per day(i would be very worried if you are)then PLS control tt outburst. but if u're not, then pls shut the hell up cos im not, in any way, making reference to your sensitive ass.

PS: nastiness for making me very worried abt the readership of my blog. =p

Anonymous said...

roger that mdm!