30 December 2006
27 December 2006
My Firsts
oh my. couple more days and its goodbye 2006 and hello to a brand new year. time is a sneaky little thing isnt it? jus slip u by like tt without u even realising it. or has time somehow stopped for me since...... since whenever. but i have to say that this year has not been a fruitful year for me. seems tt ive got nothing much done, like getting my driving license, my braces, exercise and lose a few more kilos, switch jobs, being diligent in my studies, learn sewing, etc. so u could pretty much guess tt i wun be having any resolutions for 2007. but even though the year hasnt been fruitful, it has been most interesting. there were alot of firsts for me, like :
- turning 23 on 20 jan (i noe its lame but still its a first ok!)
- mugging for the exams (first time since a loongg while)
- saving a cat! i hope its still alive and well as i type
- huge obession over gay blogs, almost half my daily blog reads are pink!
- something broke.. still trying to have it replaced
- quitting my "kok kok" addiction. yes, i can now slp without my "kok kok"
- travelling with the girls to Desaru! it was such fun really
- seeing fireflies and going ga-ga over it
- morphing into a groupie and meeting Glenn Ong and Jean Danker!!
- visiting Hong Kong and cranking up after having eaten the wrong medicine
- encountering some strange guy who thinks he can chat up anyone who takes the same route to work. unfortunately for him, i haf a lousy temper, esp in the mornings
- encountering ppl who sits next to me in class and introducing themselves.... gawd, im really losing my icy image!
- diy-ed some random stuff
- bringing mum on an incentive trip to Malacca
- not studying for my asm test and handing up a blank answer script
- gushing over cheap clothes and shoes found in chong pang market
- developing insatiable cravings for food - toa payoh's hokkien mee, chong pang's soy bean milk, ayam masak merah, 杨枝甘捞, steamed crabs, 咸蛋虾 and the list goes on and on...
- revamping my bedroom
- realising how insignificant i am to my frens
- initiating to shake hands with a kid besides my niece (alright, pick up ur jaws guys) so so here's a pic of the, ahem, priviledged.
wai kei is my cousin's daughter whom i only see during chinese new year. the photo dun do her justice at all cos she has this pair of huge round eyes tt makes her incredibly adorable! and its sooo cute the way she squirmed when my bro and i simultaneously motioned her to come to us like some weirdos who's up to no good. but most importantly, she's well-behaved. and by my standards, tt would be unimaginably well-behaved for u. she doesnt scream and run around like other brats kids. also, unlike some snobs kids who ignore u when u ask for their names, she replies sweetly and in cantonese too! i think all parents should raise their kids up to be like her, tt would certainly make the world a better place (for me at least). no doubts abt it, wai kei is the kind of child i would like to have in the distant future. =)
oh gawd, did i just say tt?
// overheard on a cold, rainy evening.
bro (to nicole) : 你 cold 吗?
22 December 2006
X'Mas Gifts
anyway. back to the main topic - x'mas.
this yr i handmade some gifts for my frens and colleagues. its sooo cute i had to post pics of it up here. heehee. as like every year, wei wei and i will make gifts for our other colleagues. Year 2004 we did this incredibly cottony angel. hate, Hate, HATED it! nv did touch cotton wool again after tt. yah, its tt traumatic.
oh ya, i bought myself a xmas present too! my darling swivel chair! *hugs*
ok, this post is pretty lame.
15 December 2006
So Sick
not the annual leave lah, i've already exhausted all my leave for my last exams. so im only entitled to falling sick, which sucks. my throat is sore and congested with phlegm, and my nose is blocked with mucus. damn, i sound like some wheezing toy everytime i blow my nose. the only good out of this is tt i sound pretty seductive with my low voice. muahahaa. anyway, let's hope i get well before xmas.
so xmas' round the corner but somehow the mood is like so gloomy? probably bcos the year's coming to an end and 2007's approaching (which bloody means im getting a year older soon! urrgghh!) or tt im sick and nothing much could excite me. but having said tt, it really isnt difficult to get me excited. all it takes is a fan or chair or better still, both!
i think the chair will look so cute with my cookie monster plush cushion on it! i noe, i could have just bought it myself, but as a wise-man once said, "if it aint broke, dun buy it." but wise-man,ure leaving me in a state of hankering which perturbs me!
say, do the garung guni men take office chairs?
// bro saw the changes to my room and asked if i need to throw a house-warming party.
// have been playing too much jewel quest on my hp, now im seeing orange-faces with blue eyes.
// its difficult to react correctly when ure sick. canto: mun - ask or smell?
mum: see the workers are still there, blocking traffic.
bro: think they're washing away the oil spill lah.
me: ermm, how come got oil spill? (playing jewel quest)
mum: lei hoei mun lor.
me: i got block nose leh, mun hmm dou.
10 December 2006
Hello Audrey!
and since its rather boring to just show u guys the final pdt, i tot it'll be interesting (and oso bcos this is more interesting than my icp assignment) to conduct a step-by-step guide to get your own bedroom painting. so here goes.
we got it done in half a day's time and although it does look a wreck close-up, im really really happy with the final outcome. and i'll like to thank the following peeps, cos w/o them, this wouldnt have been possible (cues: awww~)
- whoever, for uploading tt stunning pic of audrey hepburn;
- uncle kenneth for buying the lovely scarlet paint and providing the tools for painting;
- the ah neh at the printing shop, cos he screwed up the proportion of the pic and hence saving me $40;
- my heavily pregnant sis for gg thru the trouble to help get me the projector from her fren. FOC.
and last but not least, HUGE HUGE thanks to my mum for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G! i heart you!
06 December 2006
My Days Are Numbered
my days are numbered.
not in the sense of oh-im-dying-soon but sth else. you see, my bro went for his training in australia last month and left his car with my mum. oh, the joys of having a car! much more joyous if i actually know how to drive one, but tt's a diff case altogether.
so becos of tt, i have cut down ALOT on transportation for the past month. mum has been ferrying me home from school almost every nite and i get home at 1030 instead of like 1130. and also in cases of emergencies (ie waking up at 830 when im supposed to BE at work already or encounters of nutcases who decides to throw themselves off the mrt track during rush hour), i can still manage to get to work at a decent time. the wonders of a mum + car or conversely, with a bro overseas.
and by far, the most awesome thing is tt the both of us can go for makan and shopping trips according to our (mine mostly) whims and fancies. and becos of this, my expenses for clothes and shoes have almost quadrupled. u will not believe how cheap things are at the markets. and becos its so freaking cheap, the probability of buying increases by almost a half. to illustrate, i bought 2 pairs of heels of the same design in diff colors. totally irrational i noe, but they were only $9.90 each! and on top of tt, i bought 2 dresses which i might n.e.v.e.r wear in this lifetime but i jus had to buy them bcos they looked pretty good on me. hahaa.
i think this insanity has got to stop at some point.
probably 12 dec when my bro returns from australia.
and im not sure if i'll welcome him back with a scowl or smile.